Grass paper: What is it actually?

Never before have topics such as sustainability or environmental friendliness been so much in focus as they are at present. And in times of climate change and dwindling raw materials, environmental awareness is quite rightly taking center stage in almost all areas – including packaging, of course. And this is precisely where gras paper comes into play. But what is grass paper actually? Grass has been finding its way into paper mills as a raw material for some years now. A raw material that does not have to be specially grown or produced is probably closest to the idea of sustainability.

So the combination of grass and packaging is simply logical. Grass is available almost everywhere and accumulates in large quantities, for example, as maintenance cuttings in unused green spaces. Lean and unfertilized grass is ideally suited for the production of papers with a grass fiber content and therefore does not compete with forage grasses.

Grass paper is so sustainable and environmentally friendly

Frau geht barfuss über eine WieseGrass paper is an extremely sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging alternative. Simply because it is a raw material that is produced anyway, regardless of its subsequent use. “Sustainability at its best,” in other words.
As an argumentation aid for the environmental friendliness of grass-paper, there is a comparative product life cycle assessment according to common DIN standards ISO 14040 & 14044.
There, testliner and grass paper are compared in seven impact categories, such as climate change (CO2 pollution), water scarcity or biodiversity. The result, which was also independently validated by a review panel, shows that grass paper has a lower negative impact on nature in all areas than a pure ecycled paper and is therefore ecologically more advantageous. This is achieved simply because the raw material grass is processed purely mechanically without the use of chemicals.

Grass paper is THE packaging alternative

Actually, one would have to say: Grass paper is much more than just an alternative. The special look and feel of the paper is the most important selling point, along with sustainability. However, it is also clear that print results on grass paper serve different target groups than is the case with a bright white coated paper. The desired marketing effects can be specifically achieved and staged by incorporating the somewhat rougher grass structure.
Grass paper can also be optimally used to give the story of the product a further and credibly sustainable aspect and thus increase sales. By the way: Since no freshly cut grass is used, but dried grass in pellet form is stored as a dry product, year-round availability is guaranteed even in the winter months.

We are the grass paper experts

Curious about grass paper? We will be happy to advise you on all aspects of grass paper and sustainable packaging, provide you with comprehensive information and, if necessary, put you in touch with suitable partners for your projects.

Simply contact us directly!

Contact the grass paper experts:

Sebastian Finck

Manager Business Development

Mobile + 49 151 16249486

Petra Lueder

Marketing and Productmanagement

Phone: + 49 4122/505-55